We find our way home odd ways. Today, feeling bruised and raw from encounters yesterday on a zoom call that I’m not sure how to work through, so no, not my home life really. A run with the dog. yoga. i began to be less “beside myself”. a meeting with a student whose work is a response to a physical assault (sexual or not isn’t the issue) but her response, her ability to talk about it and create work that was soft, refreshing and so sensitive… this INSPIRED (FILLED WITH BREATH) me. I was trying to explain something technical about publication design and reached for a card on my table from the Monastery (SSJE) and I was REMINDED (RE–MINDED) of what brought healing in my past. I posted on my instagram feed (posting one letterform a day) the letterform “K” with the text “knock and it shall be given” and that brought me back to someone singing a song with that, when back when in a dark room at Snoopy’s Place in downtown Schenectady. I looked it up and here’s what I found. The obit included this “In her teenage years she traveled widely as an exchange student to Guatemala, cycled 750 miles through Europe, and participated in a mission to Mexico. Later she accompanied her husband on several mission trips to the Brazilian Amazon. Judy moved to Schenectady with her husband when he became director of "Snoopy's Place", a coffeehouse and drop-in center that ministered to the young "street people" of the early 70's.” It did.